Thursday, June 24, 2010

My Ideal Job!!

Hello... well, I will write about my ideal job.

In each career have a ideal job in a ideal place with ideal people and with a ideal income!!!. For instance, when I was little I always study Veterinary Medicine or Astronomy, but the second option I removed because is very maths for me. When I was 18 years old, I wanted study Geology, and today is very interesting for me, and a couple of months ago I thought in go to this career, but I to analised the pros and cons and I stay in Veterinary Medicine.

It is very difficult tell you what is my ideal job, because I like so much areas of Veterinary Medicine. However, I believe that to me the most interesting is the
cattle but I don't know in that area.

I hope to finish the career and work here in Santiago in any area for a few time to save money and buy a department. In a future time, I want to go to the sure in a countryside to work with the cattle, specially in the dairy factory. However, I wouldn't like to live in Chile all my life, I want around of the thirty years go to live to other country like Canada, New Zealand or Australia and I hope I don't have to go alone...

I would like to have countryside with a cattle and horses and have a team that help me to keep quiet to cows, people that give food and water to them, and that to clean them while I to milk or I check for diseases. I would like to have artificial insemination too to improve the cattle.

Really, I don't know if some day I can do all my dreams, but for the moment I hope so. I have very very dreams and it isn't all about the career. To me the most important achieve are in the personal and professional area.

So, what is you ideal job??

Regards, Bye Bye.


Ariel Allende said...

hello rodrigo!!!!!
ohhh! how exciting, very entertaining work with cattle...
see in the university...

Sofía Guzmán Bernal said...

Hiho Cow boy! hahaha I'm kidding :P
The cattle is not my preference, but I'm sure that you'll be a good Vet in this area!
I hope you don't have more doubts about your profession, because I regret very much that you left =(
Love you friend! See you in the U =P

Sofía Guzmán Bernal said...

Hey! how you put more pictures in your post? teach me!! :P

Miss said...

Hello... well, I will write about my ideal job.

In each career ^ SVA have a ideal job in a ideal place with ideal people and with a ideal income!!!. For instance, when I was little I always TENSE study Veterinary Medicine or Astronomy, but the second option I removed because is WW very maths for me. When I was 18 years old, I wanted study Geology, and today is very interesting for me, and a couple of months ago I thought in WF go to this career, but I to analised the pros and cons and I stay in Veterinary Medicine.

It is very difficult tell you what is my ideal job, because I like so much areas of Veterinary Medicine. However, I believe that to me the most interesting is the cattle but I don't know in that area.

I hope to finish the career and work here in Santiago in any area for a few time to save money and buy a department. In a future time, I want to go to the sure in a countryside to work with the cattle, specially in the dairy factory. However, I wouldn't like to live in Chile all my life, I want around of the thirty years go to live to other country like Canada, New Zealand or Australia and I hope I don't have to go alone... hahaha.

I would like to have countryside with a cattle and horses and have a team that help me to keep quiet to cows, people that give food and water to them, and that to clean them while I to milk or I check for diseases. I would like to have artificial insemination too to improve the cattle.

Really, I don't know if some day I can do all my dreams, but for the moment I hope so. I have very very dreams and it isn't all about the career. To me the most important achieve are in the personal and professional area.

So, what is you ideal job??

Regards, Bye Bye.

well done! I'm sure you'll find a place where you can do all you have ever wanted!!
my ideal job mhh?

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