Thursday, June 17, 2010

My favorite subject

Hello people!... Today I tell you about my favorite class in the University.

The last year, the subject were very boring to me, because it hadn't relationship with the career, however zoology was very interesting to me. This year is most difficult choose just one subject because much of them are very interesting, like fisiology or animal behaviour and the clinic practices, but behaviour is my favorite subject.

This subject is very funny when the teacher give us examples about animals, also is very interesting because I learn the different answers of animals to different situations.

I can remember that I like so much the class of "Game theory". This theory shows us that the animals play to practice the hunting, when it has excess energy, for pleasure and others reasons.

For other hand, the teacher, Rigoberto Soliz, is very funny!!! and is very friendly... I like his class but
his voice is very low... hahahaha!!.

In conclusion, this semester has been good, my marks has been regularly good (except anatomy ¬¬) and my subjects are good.

Good Luck!!!!! :)


Gino Alessandro said...

hello rodrigo

hey! my favorite subject is animal behavior too.
well you think like me.
In the future we may be ethologists.

see you in the future jejeje

Genesis Larr said...

I knew you'd say zoology! is fun!
I remember the last year and this class was the first in go to laboratory :) haha!
kiss =*

Sofía Guzmán Bernal said...

Rorro!! i like this subject too! hehe it's so fun :D but it's over =(
and the teacher... =( I feel sorry that the last class the teacher came limping into the room =(

Hey Rorro! Blua blua blua! :* kisses bye!

Miss said...

Hello people!... Today I tell you about my favorite class in the University.

The last year, the subject were very boring to me, because it hadn't relationship with the career, however zoology was very interesting to me. This year is most difficult choose just one subject becauseWW much of them are very interesting, like SP fisiology or animal behaviour and the clinic practices, but behaviour is my favorite subject.

This subject is very funny when the teacher SVA give us examples about animals, also is very interesting because I learn the different answers of animals to different situations.
I can remember that I like so much the class of "Game theory". This theory shows us that the animals play to practice the hunting, when it has excess energy, for pleasure and others reasons.

WW For other hand, the teacher, Rigoberto Soliz, is very funny!!! and is very friendly... I like his class but his voice is very low... hahahaha!!.

In conclusion, this semester has been good, my marks has been regularly good (except anatomy ¬¬) and my subjects are good.

A lot of people liked this class... it sounds very interesting.
So when animals play they are practicing hunting?

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