Thursday, June 24, 2010

My Ideal Job!!

Hello... well, I will write about my ideal job.

In each career have a ideal job in a ideal place with ideal people and with a ideal income!!!. For instance, when I was little I always study Veterinary Medicine or Astronomy, but the second option I removed because is very maths for me. When I was 18 years old, I wanted study Geology, and today is very interesting for me, and a couple of months ago I thought in go to this career, but I to analised the pros and cons and I stay in Veterinary Medicine.

It is very difficult tell you what is my ideal job, because I like so much areas of Veterinary Medicine. However, I believe that to me the most interesting is the
cattle but I don't know in that area.

I hope to finish the career and work here in Santiago in any area for a few time to save money and buy a department. In a future time, I want to go to the sure in a countryside to work with the cattle, specially in the dairy factory. However, I wouldn't like to live in Chile all my life, I want around of the thirty years go to live to other country like Canada, New Zealand or Australia and I hope I don't have to go alone...

I would like to have countryside with a cattle and horses and have a team that help me to keep quiet to cows, people that give food and water to them, and that to clean them while I to milk or I check for diseases. I would like to have artificial insemination too to improve the cattle.

Really, I don't know if some day I can do all my dreams, but for the moment I hope so. I have very very dreams and it isn't all about the career. To me the most important achieve are in the personal and professional area.

So, what is you ideal job??

Regards, Bye Bye.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

My favorite subject

Hello people!... Today I tell you about my favorite class in the University.

The last year, the subject were very boring to me, because it hadn't relationship with the career, however zoology was very interesting to me. This year is most difficult choose just one subject because much of them are very interesting, like fisiology or animal behaviour and the clinic practices, but behaviour is my favorite subject.

This subject is very funny when the teacher give us examples about animals, also is very interesting because I learn the different answers of animals to different situations.

I can remember that I like so much the class of "Game theory". This theory shows us that the animals play to practice the hunting, when it has excess energy, for pleasure and others reasons.

For other hand, the teacher, Rigoberto Soliz, is very funny!!! and is very friendly... I like his class but
his voice is very low... hahahaha!!.

In conclusion, this semester has been good, my marks has been regularly good (except anatomy ¬¬) and my subjects are good.

Good Luck!!!!! :)

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Jeff Corwin

His real name is Jeffrey Samuel Corwin and he works in the famous channel "Animal Planet".

Jeef was born on July 11, 1967 in Norwell.

He graduated in biology and anthropology
from Bridgewater State College, and a master of science degree in wildlife and fisheries conservation from the University of Massachusetts at Amherst
At 1984 he traveled for first time to Belice (a tropical rain forest) in a expedition which contributed to the formation of a foundation. At 1994 Jeff worked to National Geografic in the documentary "The Jason Proyect" , which he served as expediton naturalist. He has participated in very proyects, but since 2000, he has worked with Animal Planet and Discovery Communications in the "The Jeff Corwin Experience" a popular shows on cable television.

For me, he is a fantastic person, and I admired his love for the animals. Really, I like the most programs, documentals and everything of Animal Planet or National Geografic, both have interesting programs. The Jeff's documentals about animals are totaly fantastic, I can stay on my bed watching his documental for long time and don't listen anything or anyone.

Some of his work are:

- Into Alaska

- Into America's West

- Going Wild With Jeff Corwin

- King of the Junglehghh

- The Jeff Corwin Experience

- Jeff Corwin Unleashed.

----> I hope that you can see any video about his works, I recommend.