Thursday, April 29, 2010


Welcome to my blog, my name is Rodrigo and I'm 20 years old and I was born in Santiago.

I live with my mother and my little sister, and also my dog.

Actually, I'm studing Veterinary Medicine at the University of Chile.

I like music, particulary the alternative rock like "The Killers", my favorite group.

I love the thriller movies. "The Others", "El Orfanato", "Orphan" and "The Sixth Sense" are my favorites movies.

I'm a quiet boy and I'm very happy when walk in the countryside or the beach. Generally in January I go at south, specific in a few town near of Puyehue, reaching the border with Argentina.

So a simple boy.-


feñajimenez said...

Hi roro!
hey I love your pic
you´re so fat!! hahahah
crazy boy
love you

ah! post me too!
don´t forget

Sofía Guzmán Bernal said...

Hi igo!
Hey! in your pic you are in the Hotel of Antofagasta!! (my city! haha) when you traveled at Antofagasta in summer, and we meet with Hector :P (Glam disco was a completly fail xD)
Well, kisses and see you in the Uni :D
By the way, you have a good music!!
pd: the same that feña : post me too! =)

miri85 said...

hi!! nice blog I like your videos..!

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