Wednesday, May 12, 2010

My career and Me


Today I will tell you about me and my career.
I'm a student at the University of Chile, I'm in my second year of Veterinary Medicine. In 2009 I entered the career and I was very happy because it was what I always wanted . The first year was very difficult to me, I didn't have the effective method to study and I had some personal problems. Fortunately, I approved most of the subjects (I had to do Chemistry and Biochemistry in the summer course). I only failed at Ecology, because I didn't study enough.

This year, my marks are better, I learned to study effectively, although Anatomy is very very difficult to me and I need very high marks to approve.

I love Veterinary Medicine, however I was confuse because I want Geology too, but I decided to follow in my career.

I don't know yet where I want to specialize, but I like horses so much, and the cows too. The wildlife is very interesting to me, maybe I specialize in it.

I have always liked animals, it was the principal reason to enter Veterinary Medicine. I would like to work in a zoo, in a nature reserve or in the country with cows or horses.

For the moment my main preocupations are to approve the signatures and learn, later I will decide in what area I will specialize and work.

Thursday, May 6, 2010